The Best Quotes from Richard Branson’s book ‘Screw it, let’s do it: Lessons in Life’

ojonugwa john attah
4 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I finished reading ‘Screw it, let’s do it: lessons in life’ by Richard Branson and I must say I have been impressed by a number of things from the book. I have enjoyed the narration that pervades the book bearing details of experiences which are more than important for young people, entrepreneurs, leaders and even parents. There is no doubt that there is just about enough for everyone in one part of the book or the other.

I enjoyed a lot of the truths that came to the fore too in the book which should act as a push for parents to help their children become less dependent on them and focus on doing things that they love which by the way will only be achieved by way of determination, focus and faith. If we don’t raise children who can think for themselves, we have failed.

I have made a selection of quotes from the book which I am sharing in this piece under specific titles. Enjoy the read below:


v I believe in myself. I believe in the hands that work, in the brains that think, and in the hearts that love.


v A journey of a thousand miles starts with that first step. If you look ahead to the end, and all the weary miles between, with all the dangers you might face, you might never take that first step. And whatever it is you want to achieve in life, if you don’t make the effort, you won’t reach your goal. So take the first step. There will be many challenges. You might get knocked back — but in the end, you will make it.


v Keep your ears open. Look and learn.


v If something is what you really want to do, just do it. Whatever your goal is you will never succeed unless you let go of your fears and fly.


v Some you win and some you lose. Be glad when you win. Don’t have regrets when you lose. Never look back. You can’t change the past. I try to learn from it.

v I believe the one thing that helps is to have no regrets. Regrets weigh you down. They hold you back in the past when you should move on.


v If you challenge yourself, you will grow. Your life will change. Your outlook will be positive. It’s not always easy to reach your goal but that’s no reason to stop. Never say die. Say to yourself ‘I can do it. I’ll keep on trying until I win.’


v Hard-won things are more valuable than those that come too easily.


v We all need our own space and it’s good to pause and do nothing. It gives us time to think. It recharges our bodies as well as our minds.


v Respect is about how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.


v You could be rich, but if people didn’t trust you, it counted for nothing.


v Be fair in all your dealings. Don’t cheat — but aim to win.

v Never do anything if it means you can’t sleep at night.

There you go with the best quotes from Richard Branson’s book. I will add a few things in paraphrase which he mentioned in the book:

  • Think for yourself and get things done.
  • Don’t wait for everything to be handed to you on a plate.
  • Teach your children that life cannot be perfect and that people can struggle or lose all the time.
  • Teach your children the real value of money, discuss your work and finance with them at the dinner table and elsewhere.
  • Give your children opportunities to do things themselves so that they can learn lessons from their attempts.
  • You don’t need to know who people are before you respect them. (Richard Branson was driven by Phil Collins who disguised as a cab driver).
  • As a family, support every member to achieve their goals. Your love and support even in difficult moments could turn things around and make the members enjoy the best of what life can offer.
  • Challenge yourself and make bold steps. You could win or lose but there are meant to nudge you to make further attempts which could lead to wins later.

Richard Branson is known for the Virgin franchise that runs a number of prominent businesses including Virgin airline, Virgin music, Virgin Atlantic etc. His experiences which have been noted in his book remain vital for start-ups, entrepreneurs, leaders in business and political circles, parents, children and young people. Anyone who has doubts about their ambitions could pick a few ideas from Richard and employ them in copious amounts in their lives.

I enjoyed every bit of the book and I would like to take another day and time off to read it. I am sure to discover newer ideas from the book each time I pick it up from now on and I would like to encourage you to read it too if you haven’t.

Best wishes!



ojonugwa john attah

Freelance Content Writer. Poet. Story Writer. Teacher. Book Enthusiast. @Ojohnattah on Twitter. John Attah on LinkedIn