Projecting “Big Ideas” for 2021

ojonugwa john attah
2 min readDec 14, 2020
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

I do not need to flog the dead horse in 2020 anymore. Those of us who are still alive keep watching the news and following news about the things that keep happening. Those who have passed this year deserve our continuous sympathy but they had at some point witnessed what this year was all about.

In fact, we all have words or a string of words to qualify this particular year which many have described as unfortunate. I do not need to get into your head to know what words best suit your description of this year because our experiences during the year have both been lessons in bitter-sweet fashion.

The faith we should have displayed more in this ending year now have to be shifted to the coming year 2021. We ought to believe next year will come with better opportunities, better ways of doing things and navigating the issues that we faced in 2020 which we could not deal with.

2021 will be a bigger and better year and that is why we should begin to plan for it so that we are not left out when it goes faster and in a good way too. We have to improve our ideas so we have better ways of living as well.

I have thus decided to share the link below from Scott Olster which appeared on LinkedIn and talks about 24 big idea changes our world should be expecting in 2021. As you take your time to read it, take some few seconds or minutes to also share it with others and let us all hope for a bigger and better 2021 filled with more plans that are executed than not.



ojonugwa john attah

Freelance Content Writer. Poet. Story Writer. Teacher. Book Enthusiast. @Ojohnattah on Twitter. John Attah on LinkedIn